6201 33rd Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 522-7674
Assumption Parish children in the second grade or older are invited to prepare with us for the first of these life-long Sacraments.
The Faith Formation Team seeks volunteers to assist with these Sacraments. Please contact
Debra Ricard if you can help.
Please have your child attend mass and Children's Liturgy of the Word each Sunday.
All children must have been baptized. if your child is not enrolled in a Catholic school, they need to be enrolled in religious education classes or be home schooled in the faith. Please contact Ellen Bollard at Bollardeg@aol.com.
Send a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate to the parish office. If you do not have a copy, contact the church where your child received the Sacrament of Baptism and request a copy to be sent to you or directly to the Assumption Parish office. If your child was baptized overseas, please include a SASE self-addressed stamped envelope to the church of baptism so we can notify them of your child's sacrament.
NOTE: If your child was baptized here at Assumption Parish, we already have your record on file. Simply note 'Assumption Seattle' and the approximate date on the registration form.
This is a very important time for you to be involved in the sacramental development of your child. Parents are the first educators of their children; you help your children to prepare for First Communion by modeling receiving Eucharist each week.
Please complete the online registration form for First Communion and Reconciliation and submit your $50 payment. Your payment partially covers expenses for resources and supplies for both sacraments.
Assumption Parish
6201 33rd Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115
There is a new First Communion Clothing Recycle Program. If you are in need of any items for your child
(jacket, pants, shirt, tie, dress, etc.) or if you'd like to donate items after First Communion, please contact: firstcommunioncloset@gmail.com.
Assumption Catholic
Phone: 206-522-7674
Fax: 206-522-6308
6201 33rd Ave NE
Seattle WA 98115
Pastor: Fr. William Heric wheric@ne-catholic.org
Vicar: Fr. Duc Nguyen
Mass Schedule
Daily Mass:
Mon, Wed, Fri | 9:00am
Weekend Mass:
Sunday | 9:00am
Friday | 9:30am