The Frances Hoffman Circle of Advocacy and Caring for Children - Frances Hoffman Circle Fall Bulb Sale!

ACC is selling daffodil and tulip bulbs to raise funds for our support of children and families in need. The bulbs have been generously donated by the Washington Bulb Company of Mt. Vernon. We have two new bulb varieties this year; Tete a Tete, a miniature early season daffodil, and Columbus, a peony like dark pink and white tulip.

We sell out quickly, so make your order soon!

Fill out the order form with your check made out to ACC, or email or call Cele Keith at or 206-271-7218 to make your order. 

You can pay by Venmo! @ACCFrancesHoffmanCircle; put your name and phone # in Notes. We will be selling bulbs after 5 pm and 9 am masses on September 30th/October 1st, don't forget your checkbook!

Find the ACC Bulb Sale for 2023 HERE.

Look for other opportunities - our Wreath Sale will be happening later in the fall.

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